Environment & responsibility

The environment is important to us at Roswi. To protect the environment and meet our producer responsibility under current legislation, we are connected to El-Kretsen and Fti.

Producer responsibility

Producer responsibility is a regulatory framework that is designed to create an environmentally sustainable society for the future. The whole thing is based on the producer should also take responsibility for the product after end use.

In Sweden it is currently legislated producer responsibility for eight product groups. Within these groups there are products Roswi distributes, such as batteries, electrical and electronic equipment (including light bulbs and some lighting equipment) and packaging.

Connected to Fti

Roswi AB are connected to the FTI, industrial collection systems for recycling of packaging. FTI pay packaging fees for packaging can be recycled into new products.

Connected to El-Kretsen

Roswi AB is also connected to El-Kretsen. El-Kretsen has been around since 2001 and was formed by the business community for disposing electronics set in the market.